In the time that’s elapsed since its last proper album, 2010’s A Chorus Of Storytellers, Jimmy LaValle’s the Album Leaf has popped up with a soundtrack release and a collab with Sun Kil Moon, but the entity’s (the new Between Waves is the first A. Leaf LP to be made as a band effort) exploration of all things ambient, electronic and organically understated when it comes to both instrumental endeavors and the application of the aforementioned to a very contemporary-sounding indie-pop is what prevails on Between Waves. The Album Leaf will be guest editing all week. Read our review of Between Waves.
Matt Resovich: I end up finding musical gems in YouTube playlists. On an old ’80s tangent I found Space Museum by Solid Space. The flaws of its construction are quintessential elements of underground productions of the time, and in my mind enhance the raw songwriting genius of the album. It’s so geeky and awesome, like an album of songs by avid sci-fi fans.
Video after the jump.