Russell Swallow is a self-described “ambient soul pop musician.” Add “folk” to that, and he’s pretty much got it right on. A veteran of duo Swallow And The Wolf, he makes his solo debut with the A.M.-B.P.M. EP. Second single “Don’t Sleep Through The Flood” is a prime example of the way Swallow combines his singer/songwriter roots with electro elements, delivering poetic lyrics in his hushed, moody, melodic voice over this entrancing musical hybrid. Says Swallow of the track, “I wrote ‘Don’t Sleep Through The Flood’ after being sat in my kitchen in Dalston, London, watching the rain tear down in sheets for the third day. It describes the city of London drowning in a never-ending rain, ‘making islands of our homes’ as we row through Leicester Square and sharks swim through the halls of Parliament. It’s a snapshot of how we might be forced to live if we don’t confront the issue of climate change, and it stands as a metaphor for ignoring signs of danger or challenges we face in our own lives.” We are proud to premiere “Don’t Sleep Through The Flood” today on Download and/or stream it below.
“Don’t Sleep Through The Flood” (download):