Like the majority of you, all of us in the Philadelphia area are staying at home, learning to adapt to our “new normal.” MAGNET is checking in with local musicians to see how and what they’re doing during this unprecedented time. Photos by Chris Sikich.
Ibeneche: Everything has stood still in this time. You can see dust particles moving in free formations. Have you ever heard a noise so loud that you hear nothing at all? That has been quarantine for me as a Nigerian-American artist in the U.S.

So much to care about, so much to learn about and so much teach about ourselves. Makes one wonder how black people have any time for self-healing or, on a smaller scale, just plain relaxation.
In this tumultuous time, I haven’t been able to relax. Though there has been beautiful moments of discovery within my art and myself. Though I have had the chance to learn new hobbies and cook/eat foods I wouldn’t normally. All these nuances have been done under a microscope.
In some ways, I have been feeling guilty for enjoying time off. It’s been a constant mental fight with myself. Naturally, I’m an over-thinker, so I don’t know if everyone deals with these pulsating thoughts. I’m sure it hasn’t been easy for anyone.
One thing I did learn in this time is that one must chose a side. Not a side of black or white, or Democratic vs. Republican, or even rich or poor. One must chose if they are going exist in this world or exist for the infinite spirit (spirit of all people/god).