For its third full-length release, Seattle garage/punk trio Naked Giants reconnected with Dylan Wall, the same producer tasked with reining in the band’s youthful enthusiasm at a time when its members had plenty to prove and were barely old enough to vote. That 2014 EP helped get Naked Giants signed to the New West label, where they remained for a pair of LPs.
A decade later, Shine Away (DevilDuck) is the sound of three guys who grew up a bit too fast, reassessing just about everything that brought them to this point. This rocky maturation process serves as a compelling narrative for “Did I Just Die,” Naked Giants’ latest single.
“The lyrics tell the story of someone growing up and discovering themselves through the changes in their relationships and friend groups,” says singer/guitarist Grant Mullen. “They used to go out at night to a vibrant music scene, which is now tainted and ‘broken-hearted.’ Though they long to go back to childhood, they know they have to move forward.”
But it’s not all gloom and doom.
“The loss of innocence is juxtaposed with one of the best feelings ever—when you kiss somebody you like for the first time,” says Mullen. “The song is about finding peace somewhere between the high points and low points in life.”
We’re proud to premiere Naked Giants’ “Did I Just Die” video.
—Hobart Rowland