
From The Desk Of Amanda Palmer: “Moonwalking With Einstein”

Amanda Palmer has been a busy lady. It’s been four years since her last record, Who Killed Amanda Palmer, and in the interim she’s been dabbling in all sorts of projects: business (you can read about her huge Kickstarter success), music (channeling her musical roots for her new album, Theatre Is Evil) and fun (adapting Neutral Milk Hotel for a high-school production). Palmer will also be guest editing all week. Read our brand new feature on her.

Palmer: I started losing my memory about three months ago. I’ve been losing it for ages, clearly, and I’ve always been fucking terrible with names. But, dude, I’m a generally flaky touring artist, and it’s never bothered me too too much. But a few months ago, I started losing big things. Pieces of my day. The word for “cherry.” I freaked out. Was it age? Was I just too busy and stressed celebrating my fucking Kickstarter? I don’t know, but I did what I always do in these moments: I went to a bookstore. At McNally Jackson in Soho, the very helpful clerk told me that there was a best-selling book on memory that I might want to check out: Moonwalking With Einstein. I’ve now recommended it to absolutely everybody in my circle; it’s a brain-changer. Written by a journalist, Joshua Foer, who stumbles upon and then becomes personally obsessed with the World Memory Championships, it’s a totally fascinating look into how the human brain functions and how our memories define who we are.