If you didn’t read our brand-new feature on Mt. Joy, do so now here. In it, the band talks about relocating from Philadelphia to the sunnier climes of Los Angeles. But you can bet your vegan cheesesteak that Mt. Joy isn’t the first band to leave MAGNET’s hometown just as its national profile is on the rise. Swear to Rocky, it’s a pattern we’ve noticed firsthand since Hall & Oates showed our city absolutely no brotherly love by moving to NYC in 1980. A decade ago, in our 15 In Philly series, we wrote about three newer bands that left us Quaker City lifers behind: Marah, Matt Pond PA and Burning Brides. But sorry, traitors, we got the laugh. It took youse guys leaving for both the Phillies and the Iggles to finally become World Fucking Champions. Yard Brawlers on you, dudes. Read “Exiled From Broad Street” below. (And we were just kidding about the “soulless” and “traitors” jabs. Youse can take the boy out of Philthadelphia, but youse can’t take the Philthadelphia out of the boy.)