The Book Of Strongman is the debut solo album from Dennis Davison, best known as the frontman of MAGNET fave the Jigsaw Seen. (Fun fact: If you add up all the Grammy nominations received by ABBA, the Kinks, Bob Marley, the Ramones and the Jigsaw Seen, you get a total of one, thanks to Davison and Co.’s 2001 nod for best recording package.) It only took close to four decades, but Davison has finally released a proper record with his own name above the title.
The 10-song Book Of Strongman is truly a solo effort, as Davison played and sang every note on the LP. That is, aside from some feedback on closing track “What The Hell Is That Noise?” that he “sampled” from a cassette made by a teenage band he was in 40 years ago. Which is fitting, as Davison has always made music that’s firmly rooted in the past while always looking toward the future.
Take Book Of Strongman track “Auras.” Both the song and its accompanying video will appeal to Miller Lite-ingurgitating millennials as well as their Fillmore West-frequenting fathers and mothers. The sounds and visions are psychedelic pop at its finest, laced with incense and peppermints while setting their controls for both the heart of the sun and the dark side of the moon. “Auras” will definitely get you feelin’ groovy, (wo)man.
“My wife Michelle and I attended an Ambient Church event in Pasadena, Calif., more than a year ago,” says Davison of the video for “Auras.” “Craig Leon was performing an electronic-music piece, and video images were being projected onto the ceiling of the old church. We just pointed our cellphones at the ornate ceiling and captured the action. It took quite a bit of manipulating and editing to make the footage work for the ‘Auras’ video, but I think it really works well with the song.”
We’re proud to premiere the video for “Auras” today at MAGNET. Watch it right here, right now. And to learn more about the Jigsaw Seen, read some of what we’ve written about this criminally underrated band: